
I’ll keep running
Trying to find myself
My soul
My mind
For my entire life
I don’t know where they are
They seem to have escaped from me
Lost in the world
Searching for an exit sign
I feel like I’m always looking
For something intangible
I search for them around the world
When I know I must find them inside
But they don’t live within me
So I will for ever be trying to find
Wherever I left my mind
And wherever I lost my heart
Maybe I’ll even find these feelings I seek
Somewhere along the way
Maybe during a walk by the Thames or the Seine
I seem to remember my heart being there
Or maybe in my own home
When it’s filled with love
On a perfect summer day.

Original Work: KH 9/6/14


Today, as I’m sat here in a nice chair, with the windows open, feeling the slightly cool breeze of a late summer’s day, the sun shining against the blue sky, I find contentment. I remember that at times it is the simple things, the quiet moments, that are the most beautiful.

I am glad that the slight mania I was experiencing yesterday (that I am prone to experience from time to time), has passed, and I am able to appreciate the beauty of a lovely afternoon in late August, as the last weeks of summer make their debut, before autumn takes the stage to steal summer’s spotlight.

Sometimes, the quiet moments are exactly what you need.

Overcoming Chronic Dissatisfaction

I have learned that I truly do have an issue with dissatisfaction. I seem to never be fully satisfied with anything in my life. When I return from a trip, I immediately want to leave again. When I have a job, I always imagine a better job. When I have a night out with friends, I imagine how much better it’d be if I was somewhere else, somewhere better. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for everything that I have, and all of the wonderful experiences I have had in my life. I am truly blessed, and lucky, very very lucky in fact. But it seems like no matter what I do, no matter where I go, no matter what is happening, I am never satisfied. It’s like having a thirst that is unquenchable. And I do not know why this happens, or what it stems from. It’s like I’m an addict, always looking for the fix of a new and better experience, like it gets me high or something. The rush of excitement and adrenaline I get from going somewhere new, when those feelings are mixed with a bit of fear, and happiness, it’s what I live for. It just doesn’t seem to matter how much stuff I do, how many places I go, it seems like nothing is ever enough to satisfy my appetite for what whatever it is that drives me, and fuels this need for satisfaction and excitement that lives inside of me.

I usually just say it’s because I want to live my life to the fullest, and have as many experiences as I possibly can. And to an extent, that is very true. I want to see the world, and truly, honestly live, and be completely and utterly alive all of the time. But, at what point does this need, this thirst for life, excitement, and fulfillment, cross the line and become a problem? When does dissatisfaction, chronic dissatisfaction, become an issue? I truly think about this a lot, and wonder why the life I lead isn’t enough, why I’m constantly craving more, craving something better. I am going to really try to simply live my life, and be content, or at least try to be content, and try to be happy as well. I’m really going to make an effort to appreciate life, and the simple, small moments and parts of it that I probably overlook, because I’m constantly looking for my next fix of excitement and experience. Life is not just big moments, but the little ones as well, that all begin to add up one day, and make everything important, real, and worth it, in the end.


Crept back in
Through the cracks
In my facade
When I let my guard down
When I turned the light off
That burned in my head
When I let my real thoughts develop
And I let them push out the happiness
Well, not really happiness
More just a general acceptance of life
A forced contentment…

I don’t like those real thoughts
I prefer the fantasy
The delusions
The hope
They make the days better
And brighter
The dreams of the day
The foolish belief that things will change
That today will be the day it all turns around.

Today was not that day.

Original Work: KH 2/18/14