
You can meet a person
For the briefest of moments
A quick exchange
And fleeting interaction
A chance encounter
Where you both know
You’ll never see each other again
So you are your real selves
The interest in each other is clear
The eye contact is genuine
The exchanged words are real
There is a lack of fake ness
And authenticity rings true
You both have removed your
Those protections against honest connection
And for that brief, shining, glimmer of reality
Of what life could be like if everyone
Began to let their guard down
And stopped lying
And pretending
In order to be some they’re not
In that shooting star of a moment
The world seems
Like the clouds have opened up
And the beautiful sunlight is streaming down
Warming the land
And wrapping it
And the people
In its golden embrace.

Original Work: KH 11/04/13


Being damaged does not mean that
Something loses value
Or importance
It simply means it has added character
Cracks along the straight lines
That make it different
And unique
But its value does not change.

This applies to people as well
Humans are essentially just flaws
And strangeness
Stitched together
To form
Beautiful Creatures.

Original Work: KH 30/10/13


I could run all over the world
Chasing a feeling
That I can’t quite place
But in the end
All the running will take me nowhere
Because that feeling does not come
From any one place
I will never escape
No matter where I run
From my own worst enemy:

Original Work: KH 10/10/13


I feel it weighing down on me
It comes in waves
Like the full force of the ocean’s might
Crashing down on the delicate fiber
Of my mind
Tearing it apart
Strand by strand
Until it begins to unravel and collapse
Like a fragile ball of yarn
One tug away from a complete
One moment can change it entirely
A single event cause the entire
To fall
My mind is a sensitive place
And is susceptible to these waves
The waves of anxiety that can overpower it
And ravage it
And drown it
In the sea of

Original Work: KH 10/10/13