
Today, as I’m sat here in a nice chair, with the windows open, feeling the slightly cool breeze of a late summer’s day, the sun shining against the blue sky, I find contentment. I remember that at times it is the simple things, the quiet moments, that are the most beautiful.

I am glad that the slight mania I was experiencing yesterday (that I am prone to experience from time to time), has passed, and I am able to appreciate the beauty of a lovely afternoon in late August, as the last weeks of summer make their debut, before autumn takes the stage to steal summer’s spotlight.

Sometimes, the quiet moments are exactly what you need.

B is for Bloomsbury

My home away from home
My light in London’s dreary skies
My summer heart lives eternal
Where we all said our goodbyes
In the quiet moments
On those late summer afternoons
Beneath the tall, tall trees
That stood outside my window
Which was open to the London breeze
Or rain, or thunder, or maybe even sun
I still feel my feet walking
Toward our quiet corner pub
Tucked away from London noise
My tears could fill those pint glasses
As I sit and reminisce
Let me read Virginia Woolf
Next door to where she lived
And feel history beneath my feet
And writers souls do haunt these streets
I close my eyes and see myself
Standing there beneath the leaves
of Bloomsbury’s tall, tall trees
And I feel fully happy
Maybe even a bit relieved
And possibly
For once
Just maybe
Even a little bit at peace.

Original Work: KH 8/22/14

Summer’s Finale

Along the path of summer
We do softly tread
As autumn makes her way to us
It fills my heart with dread
I want to remember you
In the sunshine and the summer air
The way your hands felt on my skin
How you put flowers in my hair
How we walked in the tall green grass
How we would lie in our empty field
I felt like everything was an illusion
And you were all that did seem real
I want to live in a summer moment
A breath of eternal life
It breathed
As the wind picked up
And began to blow
The flower petals through the trees
And summer ended
Without a slow and drawn out fade
And I lost you all at once
To autumn’s sharp and cooling blade
But forever you do live
Inside my aching heart
Where summer is in infinite bloom
For your summer love I make my art
When I am filled with autumnal gloom
Next year I hope to find you
In the tall green grass
Of our empty field at last
The color to match your shining emerald eyes
Holding a crown of flowers
With blue to match our summer skies
And live wrapped in my golden hair
For another summer love affair.

Original Work: KH 8/19/2014

The Bed

We moved the bed
That day in September
When summer finally breathed its last breath
That year
And autumn had made herself known
When the sun was shining on the leaves
They had begun to change into their fall colors
Slight hints of gold mixed with green
The sunlight was softer than it had been
So we placed the bed against the wall
Facing the west
So the sun could set against the rolling hills
And we could watch from beneath our cool white sheets
Just my skin and yours
A tangle of limbs
And your lips
Which I could write sonnets about
That evening we stripped to nothing
How we liked to be
Just free
And opened that bottle of Jameson
Poured two glasses
Set the record player so the vinyl ached our song
And got beneath the sheets
To watch the sun begin her journey
Beneath the horizon again
And the room was filled with light
Until we were awash in shades of warm glow
And those white sheets were painted gold
We loved
We slept
We awoke
The sun had left us during dreaming hours
The clouds had appeared overnight
And rain began to drum against the roof and windows
Playing her autumn greeting
But I didn’t need the sun that morning
Her light was unnecessary
Because I turned onto my left side
To see your face
And as your eyelids fluttered
And I met your green eyes with mine
I realized we didn’t need to move the bed
I didn’t care for sunsets
I didn’t need the sun that morning
I had all the light of a sunrise
As I felt you look at me
I felt the warmth and glow of eternal light
And as long as I had your eyes
I’d never need another sunset
Or sunrise.

Original Work: KH 8/3/14


I just want to love you
As long as time still ticks away
And the Earth continues to spin
And the moon is still in the night sky
And the sun remains shining brightly
Warming the two of us
As we slip into that temperate water
And float until we once again reach land
And you always liked to love me
When summer came calling
The sun warms our damp cool skin
And all this land
Filled with wild flowers and tall summer grass
Although our bodies hardly need more heat
When you and I are together as one

I just want to love you when fall sneaks in
And relieves summer of her duty
And autumn takes her paint brush to all the foliage
And the leaves are painted delicately
The sunny shades of warm earth you love
And I will warm some cider
With a dash of something special
And we will breathe in that crisp air
Until it fills our lungs and only our lips bring the warmth
Back to our faces

I just want to love you deep into the coldest winter
When snow has reached high up our doors
And we sit together inside
Tucked away until a warmer day greets us
The fire popping and soft Christmas music plays from the radio
And I bake your favorite cookies
And everything is comfortable as the cold keeps knocking on the door
But we don’t answer and we don’t hear it
Because our winter love is all we need

But I just want to love you
When my favorite season comes back around
And shines brightly against the frozen earth of winter
When all the flowers bloom
And I feel myself bloom with them
For you are Spring my dear
In all its romantic glory
And I will love you like I love spring
Until the Earth stops spinning
And the moon disappears
And the sun stops shining
And all that’s left is
And the flowers of spring.

Original Work: KH 7/30/14

Summer Song

Pour me a drink
On the rocks if you could
As you sing me that song
Like I knew you would
You strum your guitar
Those notes live inside me
My mind catches fire
I feel you pulling my wires
My heart is painted with lyrics
The ones that you breath
They dance through
The space in between
As your lips beg to touch
Oh the melodies that spring from your soul
A symphony of ethereal memories
That echoing sound
Of your lovely love songs
Your voice it lingers
And it floats through the air
I want to kiss those nimble fingers
As they play with the strings
As I sip my drink
The ice between my teeth
Although I’d like to rub it against your chest
The heat suffocates
No room left to breathe
You’re alone
We’re together
You on top of me
Damned be the heat
It carries on
It lives and breathes
Summer with the windows open
Not a breeze to be found
But your music fills the dark, night air
Summer began when you held your guitar
And it was your music that warmed me up
Not this stifling air
Wrap me in your cool cotton sheets
And sing me a love song
As I drift off to sleep.

Original Work: KH 6/29/14


My weary head did softly lay,
On sheets that smelled of summer day,
As thoughts of empty life did rattle,
Inside a deep internal battle.
I reach for happiness and light so bright,
But all good hopes did fade at night,
I felt the lonely quiet stir,
Inside my soul,
My hopes and dreams did blur,
I wished to sleep but sleep came not,
Peace was elusive and not what I thought,
Alone rang deep inside my mind,
As I remembered you so kind,
The way your hands did touch my face,
And I felt full of lovely grace,
And how your fingers through my hair,
Did bring a feeling so very rare.
But lonely inside my heart at night,
I felt lost for your sweet light,
Loneliness did break my heart,
I wished live inside your art.
In weariness I live and sleep,
Into my dreams I burrow deep.

Original Work: KH 5/29/14

The Space In-Between

To me,
You are not a dream,
You are that moment
When head meets pillow,
Eyes flutter closed,
When darkness blankets not only room,
But mind,
The space is silent,
Flooded with peace,
When all of life,
In that moment of calm,
Those short minutes of giving in,
Of allowing rest to wash over all,
That is life,
When those moments of peace
Are as perfect and calming
As a summer afternoon,
When one walks in sunshine,
Not a sad sound is heard,
Just the laughter of joy and love,
Skin is warmed by high noon light,
When windows are open,
And curtains billow with summer breezes,
That is rest,
That is calm,
That is the moment before sleep takes over,
Before dreams materialize
You are that moment,
That quiet space,
You are summer in those sleepy seconds,
You are the open windows.

Original Work: KH 4/17/14

A Soul Seeks The Sea

She stepped out,
Walked out,
Coolness grasping,
Arches of her feet hugged by sensation,
Toes stretched and cracked,
She felt the cold dance up her legs,
All over her body,
Like cool silk sheets on hot skin,
Bare shoulders chilled,
Dotted with shivering freckles,
She ventures out,
A little further on now,
The heat and warmth of sun,
Outweighing the frost,
Like a blanket on winter’s night,
Springtime struggling,
Half in bloom,
Approachable April day,
Hard to plan for,
It’s wildly unpredictable ways,
The beloved split personality of spring,
The leftover icy touch of Winter’s night,
In a dance with Summer’s finite youth,
Perfection in an afternoon,
Limitless grace given to those
Who seek solace in the sea
She searches those waters for her soul,
Shattered by time,
Lost in waves,
Toes touch turquoise,
Time ceases,
She has reached peace.
Original Work: KH 4/16/14