
I wait with anticipation
And dread
For the first snow
Of the season

For it is the end of one time
A freezing of the land from summer and autumn
The earth a tundra of footprints in warm earth
Now frozen in time

It is also a clean slate
A white blanket of calm
Descending upon the ground
And the tress and people
Ushering in a new season
And the chance at another new beginning
Another fresh start.

Original Work: KH 10/11/13


You don’t realize how much you
Love something
A place
A person
An experience
How much you want something
How much somewhere means to you
Until it’s gone

Until you can no longer hold it in your hands
Or trace your fingers along it
Run your hands across it
Feel the air of the place
Feel the wind fly through your hair
And dance along your skin
You no longer feel the pavement beneath your feet
The cobblestones affecting your walk

The depth of love is underestimated
The depth of feeling is like the ocean
The bottom cannot be reached naturally
By man
Because it is seemingly endless
The pain lingers
But so do the memories
Like a cool breeze blowing
On a chilly autumn night
When all you can see
Are the stars.

Original Work: KH 10/11/13


I turned the page
And felt my fingers
Run along the grain
Of the paper
My nails scratch
Into the material
I wish I could carve my name
Onto this paper
That signified
A fresh start
A new start
A new life
It was symbolic
But it was real
I could hold it in my hands
And know
That this is all new
And I will be
Starting over
Once again.

Original Work: KH 10/11/13