How Much?

How much time ticked away
As each day
After day
I grew older
But not wiser
I grew up
But fell down
I had dreams so big
They could crush all of humanity
For they were certainly crushing me
Where did it all go?
All those minutes
I have no way to mark the time
No memories to guide me
So I know
I’ve been alive
I’m drowning in indifference
And aching sadness
Consuming my mind
Like a dense fog
In the early morning
Unwilling to lift
Until broken
By light of day
My soul is hit by a tidal wave
And it shakes me to my core
I stumble and fall
And I must teach myself
To remain on my two feet
At what age
Do I become strong
And sturdy?
Time cracks me open
And all of my rambling thoughts
And pointless daydreams
Come pouring out
Like the explosion of a star
Or a comet streaking midnight sky
And I feel full of light
Hurtling into endless night
Eternal darkness
My mind gets lost in dark matter
And I am left with time in my hands
Spilling out
Like water I cannot hold
As my tears mix in
And create a mess
Of broken dreams
And lost life
Broken hearts
And lost time.

Original Work: KH 11/20/14


So many people, myself included, spend hours, days, months, years, thinking about love. We dream of it, write about it, create works of art in honor of it. Some of the greatest art ever produced is about a subject that is simple, it’s inherent in all human beings. Love is intangible, a concept, yet people understand it exists, they feel it in the fibers of their being. What is the great drive toward love, for so many? What is the pull, where does it come from? How does it shape us? Why does the desire for it haunt some people? People like me?
Love. It is weaves into the tapestry of every moment of life, it’s presence or it’s absence, it is inextricably laced into time eternally.
Love. It’s the one thing that unites us, it’s the common thread, the light in the darkness, the last great hope for mankind.

Original work: KH 12/7/13

The Importance of…Love

“How we need another soul to cling to”
-Sylvia Plath

Love is a tricky, often times bewildering concept. Most of us, if we’re lucky, have experienced love at some point in our lives, whether it’s from our family, our friends, or significant others, most of us have known how it feels to be loved. All though love should be a guarantee, a part of life that happens naturally for all people, unfortunately that is not the case. Sometimes, love just isn’t there, or it simply cannot be adequately expressed.

I will be the first to admit that love is something that I feel very deeply, but I really suffer with expressing that love, and telling people how much I love them. It has always been simple with my family-I know how to tell them I love them, because I do, and it’s natural and easy, and I know they love me too. It is difficult for me to express, or tell my friends, that I love them. I do love my friends, but I have never been one of those girls that is able to say “love you” to a friend and not sound goofy or sarcastic, it just doesn’t happen naturally for me. If I do say it, it comes out sounding like a valley girl from the ’80’s saying “love ya!” and giving a fake hug. That I can do. But being open and genuine about my feelings to my friends has never been a strong suit of mine. I don’t come from very demonstrative, open, outwardly emotional people. We either suffer from our Irish repression or our staunch English and German refusal to show emotions publicly. Either way, whatever the cause, emotions, especially love, have always been a problem for me.

I’ve especially struggled my showing my emotions, and expressing my feelings, to guys. I have never been a person who is able to open up and make real, honest connections with guys. I always tend to get awkward and nervous and basically just act like their friend because that is so much easier and occurs more naturally to me than forging emotional, romantic relationships. In fact, the thought of meeting the right guy and starting a relationship and being intimate terrifies me. And there’s no reason for that, I shouldn’t feel that way because there’s no precedent for that emotion of fear to occur, but it does nonetheless. I’m always scared that people, especially men, have bad, ulterior motives and they’re not actually interested in me as a person, or they are not trustworthy or genuine, but rather they are shallow, and predatory, and I hate that. I hate nothing more than men who don’t respect women, but rather treat them like a prize or like a piece of property, it’s disgusting and I wont tolerate it. But, I know not all men are like that; most of them are good, honest people, with good intentions, trying to find love just like me, and I need to remember that.

I don’t want to be like this anymore, but I also don’t know how to change. I have been hurt by guys in the past, in the way that my feelings have always be unrequited. I feel strong emotions for a guy and he never expresses them back, even when I make them clear, and I guess that constant state of rejection has begun to take its toll on my self-confidence and ability to be open, honest and hopeful about relationships and my feelings. But I’m done being like that.

From now on, I will do my best to overcome these nagging feelings of self-doubt and hopeless awkwardness, and instead I will learn to be an open, real, authentic, loving, giving, intimate person. I want to be this way to my friends, and I want to be this way when I meet men, the right men, who treat me with the respect I deserve and are as open and authentic as I hope to be. Love is an essential part of life. It is as essential as oxygen and water and sunlight. It is not something that is a want, love is a need. People will go to the ends of the earth and back for love, and that is why I know I need to learn to be more open and welcoming to the love and potential for love in my life. The importance of love cannot be overstated…without it, there is no importance to life.