How Much?

How much time ticked away
As each day
After day
I grew older
But not wiser
I grew up
But fell down
I had dreams so big
They could crush all of humanity
For they were certainly crushing me
Where did it all go?
All those minutes
I have no way to mark the time
No memories to guide me
So I know
I’ve been alive
I’m drowning in indifference
And aching sadness
Consuming my mind
Like a dense fog
In the early morning
Unwilling to lift
Until broken
By light of day
My soul is hit by a tidal wave
And it shakes me to my core
I stumble and fall
And I must teach myself
To remain on my two feet
At what age
Do I become strong
And sturdy?
Time cracks me open
And all of my rambling thoughts
And pointless daydreams
Come pouring out
Like the explosion of a star
Or a comet streaking midnight sky
And I feel full of light
Hurtling into endless night
Eternal darkness
My mind gets lost in dark matter
And I am left with time in my hands
Spilling out
Like water I cannot hold
As my tears mix in
And create a mess
Of broken dreams
And lost life
Broken hearts
And lost time.

Original Work: KH 11/20/14


Every time I think I know what I want, my mind tries to tell me I’m wrong, that I want something else…I need to quiet all these voices that try to make me doubt myself. Every time I think I know where I want to be, to live, I doubt myself, and change my mind. I seem to be unable to decide the course of my life. Part of me wants to just try and live a relaxed west coast life, where I stop worrying about everything. But then there’s the part of my mind that keeps pushing me to Europe and grad school and adventure…I just don’t know. Maybe neither of these things will happen. Maybe I will end up living in New England near the ocean and a lighthouse and be a writer there. Maybe I’ll move to Los Angeles and eat organic food, do yoga on the beach at sunrise, and have a high powered career. Maybe I’ll go to grad school, and then move to Paris and work in a café, and become an ex-pat writer like Hemingway and Fitzgerald. Maybe I’ll move to Nashville and meet a musician and have some babies. Maybe I’ll move to a small fishing village in Ireland and fall in love with a local man. Maybe I’ll move to Seattle and find a life and career there. Maybe I’ll move to London, and find my heart, wherever I left it, and start all over again. I have no clue. All I know is, I want to live a life I’m proud of, that I am happy with, that brings me joy, and peace.

Days like this, I picture myself back on that cliff in Ireland, staring at the sea, or in Hyde Park on a sunny autumn day, or at a café in Paris on a quiet Sunday morning. I never know where I want to be. Maybe my heart will never be satisfied in one place. Maybe I’ll have to find someone to give my heart to, and that’s where I’ll finally find home.

The Phoenix

Who was I
Before I lost myself?
Where did that girl go,
The one I knew,
So long ago?
I haven’t a clue
But if I ever see her again,
I’ll tell her to find you.
She had hope
And she loved
And I miss her.
She no longer looks back
When I stare in the mirror.
Where she went,
I really don’t know
She must have drowned
In her endless tears
And her dreadful woe.
But if she rises
Once again,
Like the phoenix
Birthed from her own ashes,
May she reign for many years
And wear the crown that was her right
Never again shall she be lost in the darkness,
Striving for the light.

Original Work: KH 9/18/14

Enjoying Life

Today, I came to a realization. I realized that I take life way too seriously. I mean, life should be taken seriously, to an extent, but I take it just one step too far. I take things so seriously, that I forget to have fun. I forget to laugh. I forget to actually LIVE. And that’s a problem. I see other people living their lives, and they manage to maintain a sense of joy, and happiness, and freedom in the way they live, and carry themselves. I realized today, that I need to learn how to do that for myself. I need to learn how to enjoy the moments that are happening, and to really take them in. I need to learn how to be unafraid of failure, and of success, because I seem to fear both, if I’m being truthful. I need to learn that my anxiety and stress about life, does not need to control me, and consume me, on a daily basis. Life doesn’t have to be awful, if you choose to make it great. Granted, some things that happen in life are horrible, and they can’t avoided, but I’m not talking about those unseen, unstoppable events. I’m not talking about what life throws at people, and how they have to deal with it. I’m talking about making an effort to make every day great, if you have the ability, and I believe we all do. Even if it’s just something small that happens, that can be the great event of the day. I realized that life really isn’t fair, and good things don’t always happen to good people, so we almost have to make our own luck, and take chances to make things great in our own lives. In my life. That’s my goal anyway. My goal is to stop taking life so seriously. To relax, and enjoy the ride. And to truly believe, that everything happens exactly when it’s meant to. I’m going to make every day great, and be grateful for every day. I’m going to find the silver lining, even if it takes all damn day. Even when life throws me horrible, unavoidable curve balls, I’m going to try to make the best of it, enjoy the day regardless, and continue to hope that tomorrow will be a better day! I’m going to live, and truly taste the goodness of every single day, because each day is truly a gift, and I’m not going to forget that anymore. Life is all we have, right? Might as well enjoy it! xxx


Sometimes, I feel like an unbelievable failure. I feel suffocated by my ambition to achieve, and to accomplish every single goal that I’ve set for myself, no matter how seemingly unrealistic said goal is. In my mind, there’s nothing holding me back but myself, even if that isn’t necessarily the case. I hold myself to incredibly high standards, and sometimes, that can be very taxing and almost poisonous to my mind. I have a college degree, from a great university, and quite a bit of experience under my belt, both academically and in the job market, as well as personal life experience also. But for me, it’s not enough. I swore the day I moved out of my hometown and home state, that I would never live there ever again. I had finally found a way out; I was finally free. Yet, here I am, back in my hometown, feeling like a disgusting, colossal failure. I always equated staying in my town with being a failure. And to be honest, I still do. This is a town where dreams go to die, in my opinion, and I refuse to allow my dreams to end up in the same wasteland as everyone else’s.

That’s why I am always so anxious and stressed about finding a good job and getting out go here. That’s why I’m desperately trying to get into grad school abroad. It’s why I am desperate to do well on this test I have to take tomorrow, which will determine whether or not I qualify for an interview for this job I desperately need. Notice how many times I used the word desperate in that sentence. I’m aware of how sad and pathetic that makes me. But it’s true. At some point, you have to accept your current state of being, and unfortunately, this is mine at the moment. I feel so ashamed when I have to talk to people from my past, people that I used to know, and tell them what I’m doing with my time. They give me that look full of pity, and true to reassure me that everything will work out. And it makes me feel furious, and insulted, and quite frankly, belittled. But that’s my own issue. I feel ashamed that I can’t tell them I’m successful, because I’m not. I’m ashamed to feel like I have achieved so little in my life; whether that’s actually true or it’s my own self perception is difficult to say at this time. Sometimes, shame just weighs me down, and it’s exhausting. I try so hard to understand that life is a journey, that I’m on a path, and that one day it will all make sense. I try to remind myself of that daily. But sometimes, it doesn’t take, and that feeling of shame suffocates me. I hope that I am able to turn things around, so that when I run into someone from my past, I can be proud of myself, my life, and my accomplishments. I hope to one day feel like I’ve achieved something worthwhile. I hope to one day make my dreams come true, so I feel the sense of pride that comes with that fulfillment and realization. Shame is an ugly word, and I cannot wait until the day I am able to remove it from my vocabulary for good.


I’m currently planning on applying to graduate school abroad next year, for a start date of Fall 2015. I’m going to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing, and I’m planning to apply to universities in Ireland, England, and Scotland. With hard work, and luck, I’m hoping I get accepted to even one school that I’m applying to. I will be so excited if I’m able to make that dream become a reality!

However, if I am not accepted to any of the unis that I’m applying to, my plan is to move to either the Pacific Northwest, or Southern California, next summer. I grew up in the Midwest, and also lived on the East Coast after college, where a lot of my family lives as well. I believe that the West Coast is the last frontier for me, and is exactly the huge life change I need to truly start over and find myself. So, next year, summer to be specific, I will be moving to either Ireland, the UK, the Pacific Northwest, or Southern California.

It’s time for a fresh start.


Sometimes I wonder, is making a huge change a good thing? Is it always good, or is it sometimes a bad decision in the end? I think about this quite often. Should I simply pack my bags and move, and just start over somewhere completely new, where I don’t know anyone, or anything? Or, should I stay here, and continue to trudge ahead, working and writing, in the hope that I get accepted into grad school for the Fall 2015 semester? Can I even make it that long, living here? I hate this town so much, it wears me down on a daily basis, and has been true for as long as I’ve lived here. I don’t know how I can make it until next summer/fall living here. But, is that the price I pay for the possibility of this incredible opportunity, grad school abroad? Is the possibility of making that change, moving across the Atlantic, worth another year of misery? Especially if nothing is guaranteed? What if I don’t get into any of the schools I’m applying to, will I have wasted more time? What if I go to grad school, and still can’t find a job and fulfilling career, would it have been worth it? Worth the time and money? I think so, but I don’t know, I’m always so plagued by doubt and second guessing, it’s truly exhausting. I am moving next summer regardless, so I guess I will just see if I’m moving across the Atlantic, or across the country to the West Coast. Is change always good? I don’t know, maybe not, but for me, personally, I believe that the possibility of change is the only thing that keeps me going sometimes. Here’s hoping I make the right change.


Some days, I honestly wonder how I got here, to where I am. And I don’t mean that in a positive, happy, proud way. I mean that in a sad, broken, lost kind of way. How did my life end up like this? Where did I go wrong? I have worked so hard, for so long, and I have gotten absolutely nowhere. That realization, and the accompanying feelings of sadness and regret, haunt me daily. I worked so incredibly hard in school, and I did well; I was a great student, I got really good grades, I was on the Dean’s List almost every semester, I graduated with a high GPA, I worked while I was in school, I studied abroad in London, I worked on a winning presidential campaign. And yet, here I am, jobless, with very few prospects, trying to figure out how I failed so badly. Where did all of this begin? Why am I such a failure? I am, by far, my own worst critic, and I am incredibly hard on myself, and rather unforgiving as well. If I’m not the best, then I’m nothing. I truly want to make my life extraordinary, something that matters, something I can be proud of, and every day that I don’t achieve that, or get closer to my goal, is a day wasted, in my opinion. So, I’m going to continue to apply for jobs, and look into the prospect of attending graduate school abroad in Ireland or the UK next fall, in the hopes of making my life a bit better than it is now. I have to find a way to make all of this matter. I won’t be another millennial that is simply pushed aside because people have a low opinion of my generation. That’s unfair, and I will do my best to combat those negative opinions and bias toward my generation. I have to believe that I am going to make my life extraordinary; I have to retain that hope, because that this point, it’s the only thing that keeps me going, and fuels my drive, and motivates me to even get out of bed in the morning, when I’m at my very lowest point. I have to believe. I have to hope. I have to dream.


In my mind
I have these worries

That things will never get better
That I will never find a good job
That I will never find a job I love
That I will never find love
That I will never find good friends
That I will never live where I want
That I will never leave my hometown again
That I will never have another fresh start

I’ve already moved twice, and ended up back here
In a hometown I’ve hated since childhood
A town that is void of


I fear I will be stuck here
Squandering my talent
And my existence
And slowly turning into
One of my greatest fears
Which is a pathetic
Complacent townie
And that cannot happen

I will not accept that as my future
I will not accept that as my fate
I will not accept that as my life

My goals are too great
My dreams too big
My drive too strong

To ever accept this as my future

Which is why, when all these worries take over my mind
I shut them down
With a powerful voice
That screams
At the top of its lungs

That I will succeed
That I will be great
That someday I will the live the life I have imagined
That I will not get complacent
But rather
I will fight
Until I can fight no longer
For the life I want
That I desire
That I deserve.

Original Work: KH 10/10/13