
I have a fantasy
Of meeting a man that takes me away from all this
That leads me to a better life
Because I’ve been trying for years without success
To change my path
All on my own
But then I remember
That I don’t live in a movie
The real world is harsh
And the only person who can save me,
Is me.

Original Work: KH 09/17/13

Lights on Broadway

I never feel more alive
Or more myself
Than when I walk the street
Of a city I don’t live in
When my feet hit the pavement
I feel a bubbling joy
That works it’s way from
My stomach
To my chest
To my neck
To my face
To my mouth
And I smile so bright and wide
That my smile could power the lights on Broadway
And ignite the city with
My passion.

Original Work: KH 09/17/13


Sometimes after I type the truth
That pours from my soul onto a blank page
I can feel an invisible weight lift off my shoulders
I can feel my body releasing its tension
I feel like I can breathe
An honest breath that flows from my body
Like a light breeze on a May afternoon
I feel content, at least briefly,
As I am enraptured by the powerful emotion
Of honest, truthful release.

Original Work: KH 09/17/13