Lincoln Center

Some days
Especially when it’s cold
And I feel alone
And sad
I imagine myself
As a ballerina
Dancing en pointe
With him
Our bodies moving with grace
On the stage
At Lincoln Center
He lifts me into the air
And I feel free
Like a ribbon in the wind
As my body ripples with movement
My arms extend and return with fragility
My limbs are delicate and feminine
He brings me back to Earth
Pulls me close to his body
Our noses nearly touch
He grabs my hand and spins me
Out onto my own
I twirl on my pointe shoes
And spin
And spin
And spin
And spin
In time with the movements
Of the Earth
And we spin into each other
And it is beautiful.

Original Work: KH 09/28/13

Pacific Northwest

Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost myself
And I don’t know when
Or where
Or how
I feel as if I’ve lost myself
Somewhere I’ve never been
In a land I do not know
I picture myself
Walking through forests
The tall tress in the Pacific Northwest
Peering down on me
Guiding me toward the right path
I imagine finding myself there
In your bed.

Original Work: KH 09/28/13

The Lighthouse

When I stand on the edge of land
And look out to sea
I see a solitary lighthouse
On a lonely island
Standing as the waves crash into its base
I have the same feelings in my soul at that moment
As I do when I remember
What we could have been.

Original Work: KH 09/28/13

I Want Someone…

I want someone who will be monogamous and nice to his mother. And I want someone who likes musicals, but knows to just shut his mouth when I’m watching Lost. And I want someone who thinks being really into cars is lame and strip clubs are gross. I want someone who will actually empty the dishwasher instead of just taking out forks, as needed, like I do. I want someone with clean hands and feet and beefy forearms like a damn Disney prince. And I want him to genuinely like me even when I’m old. And that’s what I want.

-Tina Fey

The Importance of…being able to laugh at yourself

I am a complicated person. I vacillate between finding everything funny, and being very serious, between thinking life is ridiculous and wonderful, and thinking life is painful and unfair. I just have never been able to figure out exactly what I think and feel about things, I change daily. I have been accused, many times, of being overly sensitive. Conversely, I have also been accused of being cold, of being tough, and kind of an ice queen as well. My moods and reactions seem to change as frequently as the weather in the Midwest in springtime. But, even though I can go from happy to sad in the blink of an eye, I have learned that there is one thing I need to retain, one quality that is important for not only me, but other people to possess, and that is a sense of humor. A sense of humor about oneself. It is incredibly important to be able to laugh at yourself, and not take yourself so seriously.

It is difficult to laugh at oneself sometimes, especially if you tend to be a sensitive person such as myself, or if you have a fragile ego, and frail self-esteem. I also have a tendency to put an incredible amount of pressure on myself, not only to be good at everything I attempt, but also to be perfect and to always win. So, these qualities, in conjunction with my sensitivity, can at times leave me vulnerable to serious embarrassment and anger when I mess up, or do something stupid, and people make fun of me for it. It can cause me to lash out at people, and be unnecessarily mean to them, when their joking and making fun is simply harmless and not intended to hurt. They believe they’re just being silly and we can all have a good laugh, but sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that. But, I’ve learned over time, that being able to laugh at yourself when you mess up along with everyone else, is one of the most important things you can do.

Being able to laugh at yourself makes you a better person, because it lets some of the pressure off yourself. When other people are laughing, and you’re able to laugh with them, you allow yourself to be relaxed, to be just a regular person, who isn’t afraid to make mistakes, and also isn’t perfect. Nobody is perfect, everybody makes me mistakes, and doing something silly, and being able to laugh at it shows maturity and growth as a person, a person who has grown into an adult who doesn’t take everything so seriously. It shows that you know your friends aren’t trying to hurt you, they’re just trying to relieve the awkwardness of a situation.

This is very different from if you’re being bullied intentionally by people. That is wrong and should not be tolerated. But if you’re with a group of people who are your friends, that you trust, it’s ok to be silly and laugh at each other, and at yourselves, and there nothing wrong with that. Why take everything so seriously, especially life? Like the famous saying goes, no one gets out of here alive anyway.

Original Work: KH 09/28/13