The Wind

I wish to make my life
Something carved in marble
My goals living inside a stone
That lasts for centuries
As they pass
I wish my voice was dipped in gold
So what I say could remain on Earth
Long after I have left
I dream of leaving my footprints
In something more than sand
That will be washed away
As the tide rolls in

But maybe it’s not meant to be
Maybe we’re all only here temporarily
And maybe that’s how it should be
Like the time it takes for the sun to set
Maybe that’s the point of it all
To live in the moment
Rather than the what ifs
To live in the now
Rather than tomorrow
And all the days that come next

Maybe we wish to be as permanent as the Earth’s core
But isn’t it more beautiful to be the wind?
Only in a place for a moment
Then on to the next
Not weighed down and under pressure
But rather free to float through the heavens
The core may be permanent
But it’s a hell of a life
To feel the pressure
And the literal weight of the world
Maybe it’s nicer to fly through the sky
Waving a quick hello and goodbye
And embrace the beauty of our short time here
Before we are free to carry on.

Original Work: KH 8/30/14


You know what it was about London, that made me fall in love with it? It was the fact that London brought out the very best version of me, the best version of myself. I was strong, confident, and unstoppable. I took chances, I was brave, I believed in myself. I saw a future there, and I can’t stop seeing it. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest in America, and London was the first place I ever visited outside of the United States. When I got off that plane, I felt something change inside of me. I felt reborn. I came alive. I discovered who I was; A woman whose soul lived out in the world, not at home. I saw myself as a new person; one who could achieve anything. Europe opened my eyes in a very real way, and helped me see how big and beautiful the world truly is. That’s why I hope to see more of the world one day in the future. And London was the start of all of that. London melted the ice off my heart, and helped me discover my love for life and adventure.

So thank you London, for everything. xx


Come to me
And share my love
But please bring with you
A little peace
And break me a piece
If you’d please
I’d be ever so grateful
To feel the calm
That lives within your heart
That blesses your soul
Let the light shine out
Of your green eyes
And into my own
Let your love live inside me
Until I’m brought back to life
And the grey clouds of rainy afternoons
And leave me just blue skies
I want a world of sunshine
To fill every pore of your skin
And mine
Until we light up the world
All I want are your hands
And the brown curls atop your head
As we roll inside our cotton sheets
Love igniting the sunset in the sky
Burning in the backdrop on my golden hair
As you look up at me
Together in the last moments of the world
Bring me peace when you come
And I’ll give you all the passion of my heart
I think I have a bit too much.

Original Work: KH 8/29/14